Membership is open to full-time and part-time non-student employees and graduate students who are eligible for an EM-P parking permit.
Bus, Bike, and Walk
You’ll also enjoy these benefits:
- Receive 24, one-day EM-P parking permits per year at no charge. (12 permits issued every 6 months. Additional one-day permits can be purchased for $10.)
- Members will fill out a permit application and pay in person at Parking Operations.
- Free Emergency Ride Home (ERH). Hail a ride using a taxi or ride hailing service such as Uber or Lyft. Rides 50 miles or less will be reimbursed in full. Keep your receipt and submit a request for reimbursement within 60 days. You are permitted one side trip during your drive home, such as to fill a prescription or pick up a child from school.
- An opportunity to win a $50 gift card during the monthly HCC drawing. (HCC members are eligible to win once per semester. All cash and cash equivalents are taxable to the recipient and are required to self-report the prizes on their personal tax return.)
- Access to private Facebook group for HCC members. Connect with other members, find carpool or vanpool partners, and share commute resources.