Bike Mentor Program

Request a bike mentor

Want to bike to work, class, or the grocery store, but not sure how to do it safely? Whether you’re looking to bike for transportation or recreation, a bike mentor will help you find the best route, make sure your bike is ready to roll, ride with you, and answer your questions. This program is for all IU students, faculty, and staff. For additional information contact

Request a Bike Mentor

Become a bike mentor

A mentor will work individually with each mentee to help achieve the mentee's biking goals – whether that's learning how to bike commute, getting comfortable biking to the grocery store, or figuring out how to bike to the nearest trail.

The mentors are experts in things like planning a stress-free route, dealing with car traffic, and showing up to the office looking neat after a bike commute. Mentors will also ride with the mentees, to help mentees become more comfortable and confident.

If you're an experienced rider who lives in Bloomington, please consider becoming a bike mentor. For additional information contact

Become a Bike Mentor